AtomicFE > HELP ME


You can helo Atomic Fe to progress and becomes better and better.


I don't have the time i would want to work on Atomic
Atomic consume time and money too.
Main costs are due to Internet Host (120 (about 140$) euros /year )
and cost of software development tool , i would like to upgrade some times.
You can help me on different level :
  • A donnation (Money or Hardware (old console, computeur, video game cartrige..etc..etc)
  • Making some nice layouts
  • Writing me some configuration tools
  • Writing me a nice documentation in Real English not my ugly French-English! :o)
  • Making some graphics for me for my website or for some layouts

    So,if you like my project, please think to me!

    I would like thanks all guys who have already helped me on that project!
    Atomic wouldn't be what it is without them!

  • Last News:

    01/01/2011: Happy New Year!

    01/23/2010: Patch for AtomicFE Updated

    01/01/2010: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    12/04/2009: Patch for AtomicFE Updated

    11/20/2009: New layouts on line!

    See all news
    12/02/2025© 2004-2025 Youki
    tous droits réservés
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